The Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development is excited to announce that scholarships are available for the following:
- CDA Training ($1500 maximum)
- CDA Assessment Fee (online only)
- CDA Renewal (reimbursement)
- College Scholarships ($6000 maximum)
- P-3 Scholarships ($6000 maximum)
- Book Stipend (reimbursement up to $175)
- Merit Award ($500 for scholarship recipients who receive credential – CDA, AA, BA, P-3)
The scholarship application is now available on – under Professional Profile, under Grants & Scholarships.
Some of the eligibility requirements include:
- Applicant must be instructional staff (teacher or teacher’s assistant) working at a program currently enrolled in Grow NJ Kids or working at a program that currently receives payment on behalf of children that receive a subsidy through the Child Care Subsidy Program (CCDBG). Or the applicant must be a family child care provider currently enrolled in Grow NJ Kids or currently receiving payment on behalf of children that receive a subsidy through the Child Care Subsidy Program (CCDBG);
- Scholarships are also availble for Family Child Care providers that receive children from subsidy.
- Applicant must be employed for 3 months;
- Applicant must work 30 hours per week.
For more information regarding the scholarships and eligibility, please visit