History of 4Cs of Passaic County
(formerly North Jersey Community Coordinated Childcare, Inc.)
1971 North Jersey Community Coordinated Child Care, Inc. founded as a grassroots effort of community childcare providers.
1977 North Jersey 4Cs receives grant to begin a Family Day Care Network.
1984 North Jersey 4Cs administers the first voucher program in Passaic County.
1987 North Jersey 4Cs headquarters are lost to fire. 4Cs emerges even stronger than before.
1988 North Jersey 4Cs becomes the Registering Agent for Family Child Care in Passaic, Hudson & Sussex Counties.
1991 North Jersey 4Cs is selected to implement the New Jersey Cares for Kids Vouchers in Passaic and Hudson Counties.
1993 North Jersey 4Cs sponsors its first Professional Development Day for Child Care staff and begins training for the Child Development Associate (CDA).
1997 North Jersey 4Cs, Center for Child Care Careers receives approval as an Adult Vocational School from the New Jersey Department of Education.
1998 North Jersey 4Cs opens, with funding from DFD:
Michael’s Child Care Center II for 67 infants and toddlers and Berkeley College Child Care Center for 60 infants, toddlers and preschoolers.
1999 North Jersey 4Cs opens, with funding from DFD:
Michael’s Energy Factory for 96 infants and toddlers.
2009 Organization splits into two (2) separate non-profits: North Jersey 4Cs has all direct service child-care operations. 4Cs of Passaic County, Inc. has all child-care referrals, subsidies and training for providers. 2012 Longtime CEO MaryAnn Mirko retires. Chief Financial Officer Antonio Di Nizo becomes acting CEO. Programs to link agency more to community are developed, such as Mother’s Day, holiday toy event, and luncheon for providers.
2015 Coleen Stevens Porcher hired as CEO. Agency now has more than 5,000 children enrolled in child-care subsidy assistance programs it oversees and helps more than 10,000 children annually. Conferences and trainings reach more than 33,000 individuals annually.
2022 Coleen Stevens Porcher leaves 4Cs for personal reasons, and Chief Financial Officer Antonio Di Nizo is appointed Chief Executive Officer